Artificial Intelligence is Never the Product
In technology and marketing, one of the biggest challenges is positioning, as it is very easy to fall into the trap of selling the technology […]
OpenAI Unveils GPT-4.0: Faster, Multimodal, and Free for All
GPT-4.0: The Next Generation of Language Models OpenAI recently announced the launch of GPT-4.0, their new flagship language model that brings significant improvements over its […]
AI-Powered Websites in HAL149
With artificial intelligence (AI), businesses face a new paradigm of competition. It is no longer simply about competing with similar products or services, but competing […]
AI Wars and the Role of Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs face a unique challenge. As large companies push into the AI field, it may seem that the natural competitive advantage of startups – agility […]
Building AI products in the ChatGPT era: Am I too late?
You may think you missed the boat on the AI behind ChatGPT, but the truth is, the field is still nascent. OpenAI only had around […]
Artificial Intelligence to Generate Business Ideas?
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way we interact with technology, offering creative solutions and even making it possible to generate business ideas in ways […]
The Dawn of AI Augmented Company: Revolutionizing Business Practices
Introduction: The Impact of AI on Businesses The evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will reshape the way businesses are created and organised, ushering in the […]
How AI Assistants Transform Customer Service
The integration of AI assistants at Clon has fundamentally transformed their customer support operations. These AI assistants now handle the workload equivalent to 700 full-time […]
Comparison of GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Capabilities
Lets test the ability of analysis and abstraction of different GPT models. Im here asking different GPT models from OpenAI to answer a simple challenge […]
Custom Trained AI Models: Beyond the GPT Base Model
Introduction: Understanding AI Models In the past, building a text generation model from scratch required extensive training over several months. However, the AI landscape has […]
The Vectorisation Process for Training AI Assistants
Turning Words into Numbers The process of vectorisation, or word embeddings, is used to represent text or other data in numerical form for artificial intelligence […]
Will programmers become obsolete?
Will programmers become obsolete? Not so fast! Natural language may become the programming language of the future, but “programming” is only part of the puzzle. […]