HomeArticlesCryptoUnstoppable Domains Launches Marketplace Supporting ‘.com’ Tokenization – The Defiant

Unstoppable Domains Launches Marketplace Supporting ‘.com’ Tokenization – The Defiant

Launch of Unstoppable Marketplace: Tokenizing. Com Domains 🌐💎

Launch of Unstoppable Marketplace: Tokenizing. Com Domains 🌐💎

Unstoppable Domains now allows users to trade tokenized .com domains in their new marketplace, alongside other web3 domains. 💻✨

This new feature enhances online presence by connecting domains to social profiles, digital assets, and business operations, consolidating digital identity across web2 and web3. 🌍🔗

Payments can be made via crypto assets, credit cards, Apple Pay, and Google Pay on mobile devices. Easy non-crypto payments for purchases under $10,000. 💳📲

By partnering with Blockchain.com, Unstoppable aims for ICANN support for web3 domains, enabling traditional browsers to visit .blockchain domains by 2026. 🕸️🚀

Unstoppable Domains’ partnerships, like with Pudgy Penguins, offer exclusive .pudgy domains for NFT holders, showcasing their versatility in the digital space. 🐧🎨

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For more info: https://thedefiant.io/news/nfts-and-web3/unstoppable-domains-launches-marketplace-supporting-com-tokenization?rand=6477

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