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Will GenAI Alienate Your Key Consumers?

In 2023, 57% of B2C martech leaders planned to deploy generative AI within 24 months. Seventeen percent had already implemented it. Executives are eager. But what if consumers don’t like it?

In 2023, 57% of B2C martech leaders planned to deploy generative AI within 24 months. Seventeen percent had already implemented it. Executives are eager. But what if consumers don’t like it?

Consumer Attitudes and AI Pushback Risks

Kate Muhl, VP, analyst at Gartner, discussed this at the Gartner Symposium. She emphasized understanding consumer attitudes and anticipating pushback.

Consumers Are Diverse in Their Attitudes to AI

Different consumer groups view AI differently. Muhl categorizes them as:

  • Enthusiasts: Younger, male, affluent, and idealistic.
  • Pragmatists: Tech skeptics, young but gender-balanced.
  • Passives: Older, female, less educated.
  • Rejectors: Older male, less educated, anti-tech.

Understanding Target Consumers

Each brand’s genAI risk assessment depends on its target consumers. According to Gartner, B2B has lower risk; B2C and D2C are more exposed. Sensitive sectors include healthcare, financial services, and insurance.

Do Consumers Really Understand GenAI?

It’s debatable if consumers understand the AI they discuss. Research suggests enthusiasm and skepticism coexist confusingly. Does their understanding matter? Muhl believes emotions drive consumer behavior more than facts.

Consumer Comfort with Familiar Tech

People are comfortable with AI in familiar contexts. They understand chatbots’ limitations. They’re often exposed to AI tools like Google AI Overviews, whether they realize it or not.

AI’s Purpose and Consumer Perception

There’s a belief that AI in B2C isn’t just for coolness but to optimize customer spending. Consumers feel the need to protect themselves from sophisticated AI systems.

HAL149: Enhancing Business Efficiency with AI

HAL149 develops custom AI assistants for businesses, targeting customer service, content generation, and lead acquisition. By automating online tasks, HAL149 helps companies grow and use their resources more efficiently.

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