HomeArticlesNewsWhy the Beverage Industry Must Understand Generative AI

Why the Beverage Industry Must Understand Generative AI

The drink industry stands on the brink of transformation through generative AI (GenAI) technology. From efficiency savings to personalized marketing, the opportunities are vast, yet they come with risks.

The drink industry stands on the brink of transformation through generative AI (GenAI) technology. From efficiency savings to personalized marketing, the opportunities are vast, yet they come with risks.

An upcoming event on 17 June at King’s College London will explore how this AI-driven technology impacts the drinks trade. Pam Dillon, CEO of Preferabli, will headline the event.

h2: The Nature of Sensorial AI

The conference, running from 1 pm to 5:30 pm with a networking lunch from 12-1 pm, starts with "The Nature of Sensorial AI." This session will explore sensory perception and software development.

Experts Chris Hoel and Professor Charles Spence will delve into how our brains process sensory information, affecting the multisensory experiences of our daily lives.

Spence’s research aims to revolutionize the design of consumer products, interfaces, and experiences using AI. This has profound implications for the wine and spirits industry.

h2: GenAI’s Role in the Wine Industry

The second session examines GenAI’s role in the wine industry. It aims to define GenAI’s role and how it benefits the drinks trade.

Oguz A Acar, Professor of Marketing & Innovation, will discuss the benefits and pitfalls of GenAI. He will be joined by Nick Martin, CEO of Wine Owners, and Andrew Sussman from Preferabli.

The session will provide insights into how good data is vital for effective software development, enhancing the potential for AI-driven solutions.

h2: Exploring Great Cocktails and Sensorial Experiences

Next, the event will delve into the components of great cocktails and the techniques used to maximize sensory experiences. It will showcase AI in action within the wine and spirits industry.

Barry Smith, Professor of Philosophy and AI expert, and Rob Hollands, CEO of Proofworks, will discuss the role of data in personalization and AI-driven optimization.

Smith and Hollands will highlight how AI can increase sales and optimize operations by delivering tailored consumer experiences.

h2: Ending with a Tasting

The conference concludes with a tasting session led by experts Richard Bampfield MW and Colin Hampden-White. This finale will demonstrate how AI platforms can provide recommendations at scale, akin to human experts.

Attendees can expect a mix of education and enjoyment, cementing AI’s role in revolutionizing the drinks industry. The culmination will underscore how AI blends technology with the craft of drink-making.

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