HomeArticlesNewsGenAI-Trained Executives Confused; Need Improved Training.

GenAI-Trained Executives Confused; Need Improved Training.

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<h2>Understanding Generative AI: A Misconception Among Executives</h2>

A common belief exists that executives possess a deeper understanding of generative AI (GenAI) compared to consumers. However, recent findings suggest otherwise. Research indicates that generative AI remains largely misunderstood by both consumers and executives. According to <a href="https://www.forrester.com/report/The-State-Of-Consumer-Usage-Of-Generative-AI-2024/-/E-RES142084">The State of Consumer Usage of Generative AI, 2024</a>, many consumers are not well-informed about GenAI; the trend seems to permeate the executive suite as well.

Forrester's <a href="https://go.forrester.com/research/ai-pulse-survey/">Q2 AI Pulse Survey, 2024</a> reveals startling misconceptions held by executives. A significant portion—82%—of executives mistakenly believe that GenAI models excel at fact-checking and validation. In reality, while certain hybrid tools like Bing Chat can utilize traditional search methods to verify facts, GenAI itself is not equipped for this function. Instead, it operates by generating word sequences based on probabilities, meaning it can still generate responses even if disconnected from any online resource.

<h2>Common Misunderstandings in the Executive Realm</h2>

Another widespread misconception is the belief that “GenAI tools provide consistent outputs for the same inputs.” Around 70% of executives adhere to this notion, yet the truth is quite different. GenAI tools generate varying responses, even when given identical prompts, unless specific settings are adjusted to limit creativity. Such settings are rarely used, as they can diminish the quality and innovation of the outputs.

Additionally, 84% of executives are under the impression that GenAI models can tackle complex mathematical problems effectively. This is another misconception; many are beginning to incorporate various filters in their tools to direct mathematical queries to traditional algorithms rather than relying on generative models, which have historically struggled with mathematical accuracy.

<h2>The Profile of Executives Misguided About AI</h2>

The findings of the survey provide insights into the demographic of these executives. Notably, 74% hold positions as vice presidents or higher. Key representations come from departments such as executive management (38%), IT/technology (15%), and operations (7%). A noteworthy 61% of respondents claim that a substantial aspect of their roles involves technology-related responsibilities.

Interestingly, almost all respondents position themselves as significant influencers in AI decision-making within their organizations. Approximately 66% consider themselves the final decision-makers, with an additional 34% identifying as major influencers. Alarmingly, 56% specifically act as the final decision-makers when it comes to GenAI implementation.

<h2>Implications for Customer Experience and Training Needs</h2>

This widespread lack of understanding poses real risks to customer experience (CX) as organizations increasingly integrate GenAI into their operations and customer interactions. It is essential for CX leaders to prioritize addressing these knowledge gaps by advocating for comprehensive education about GenAI throughout their organizations.

However, a concerning finding from the survey is that when questioned about formal training in AI, an overwhelming 80% stated they had received such training. If that's the case, the current training efforts may not be hitting the mark effectively. Therefore, CX leaders must ensure that their companies undertake the right training programs tailored specifically for executive understanding of GenAI.

Numerous executives—50% of survey respondents—report utilizing AI in production applications, highlighting the urgency of addressing these misconceptions. It’s crucial for organizations to act swiftly to enhance their leadership's understanding of GenAI.

Our excitement for the potential of GenAI continues to grow, and companies like HAL149 are at the forefront of this revolution. 

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