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Fictional Startup around Virtual Reality and Music

HARMONY VR - Experience Music Like Never Before! 🎵🎧

Startup around Virtual Reality and Music created with AI

HARMONY VR – Experience Music Like Never Before! 🎵🎧

Virtual reality and music intersect at a $30B market ripe for innovation. With millennial and Gen Z audiences poised to spend big on immersive experiences, there’s untapped potential to capture.

Our product offers immersive VR concerts, allowing users to attend live shows from their living rooms. Stand out with unmatched sound quality and real-time interactions with favorite artists.

Our strategy targets music lovers, aged 18-35, via social media, influencers, and partnerships with major labels. Subscription pricing starts at $19.99/month. Scaling through targeted ads and referral programs.

Our founding team includes Jane Doe (10+ years in VR), John Smith (music industry veteran), and Alice Lee (marketing guru). Together, they bring expertise, passion, and a proven track record.

We seek $5M for R&D, marketing, and partnerships, aiming for a 3x return. Potential exit via acquisition by leading VR or music companies within 3 years.🌟📈

➡️ This is a fictional startup created with a custom GPT model.
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