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CIOs and IT leaders need boldness for genAI advantage

A recent report by the IBM Institute for Business Value asserts that Chief Information Officers (CIOs) must recognize the drastic shifts in the technology landscape of recent years. As a new era of artificial intelligence (AI) emerges, it is vital for CIOs to develop new skills and competencies that align with this transformation.

The Evolving Role of CIOs in the Age of AI

A recent report by the IBM Institute for Business Value asserts that Chief Information Officers (CIOs) must recognize the drastic shifts in the technology landscape of recent years. As a new era of artificial intelligence (AI) emerges, it is vital for CIOs to develop new skills and competencies that align with this transformation.

The report emphasizes that the concept of IT as a standalone function is obsolete. “Technology is the business,” according to IBM researchers. In this dynamic environment dominated by generative AI, healthcare technology leaders need to remain agile and communicative, actively engaging with CEOs and CFOs to foster competitive advantages for their organizations.

Identifying Key Blind Spots

The report, which surveyed over 2,500 CIOs, CTOs, and Chief Data Officers across various industries globally, highlights six major “blind spots” that modern IT leaders must address to thrive in the AI era. For instance, while CEOs prioritize “product and service innovation” in the coming years, only 43% of IT leaders believe their organizations excel at delivering unique products and services. Furthermore, 53% of CIOs feel their executives regard technology as only moderately significant to innovation.

Additional statistics show contrasting views between IT executives and other leaders. Nearly 75% of CEOs are enthusiastic about emerging technologies, while 43% of CIOs express growing concerns over their technology infrastructure due to generative AI. Additionally, only 29% of technology leaders firmly believe that their enterprise data can adequately support the deployment of generative AI technologies.

The Changing Landscape of Healthcare IT Leadership

The landscape has evolved significantly since Healthcare IT News began tracking the transformation of the CIO role over the past decade. The traditional “IT guy” has transitioned into a strategic leader at the executive level, with an even greater emphasis on innovation, transformation, and revenue generation. In light of advancements such as cloud-based AI and automation, the role continues to shift dramatically.

There are now emerging roles within the C-suite, such as the entity information officer and the recently introduced chief AI officer. These roles highlight the pressing need for technological leadership in navigating the evolving healthcare landscape.

The Path Forward for Technology Executives

As IBM researchers aptly note, technology executives must confront the challenges presented by these blind spots. “Tech CxOs must courageously expose the six blind spots that are preventing their organizations from achieving AI advantage,” they state. By engaging in candid discussions regarding their organizations’ readiness to innovate, tech leaders can pave the way for significant business outcomes.

The HIMSS AI in Healthcare Forum is slated for September 5-6 in Boston, offering a platform for discussions on these pressing issues. Learn more and register for this significant event.

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