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California mulls exclusive safety rules for AI companies

California lawmakers are evaluating a proposal to mandate AI companies to test their systems and integrate safety measures to avert potential threats.

California’s New AI Regulatory Legislation

California lawmakers are evaluating a proposal to mandate AI companies to test their systems and integrate safety measures to avert potential threats.

The bill, authored by Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener, targets highly powerful future AI models.

Legislators will cast their votes on this unprecedented bill on Tuesday. It aims to mitigate AI-related risks as tech advances quickly.

Opposition from Major Tech Companies

The bill faces staunch opposition from tech giants like Meta and Google. They argue that regulations should target harmful users rather than developers.

Rob Sherman of Meta expressed concerns about adverse effects on open-source models and innovation.

California’s Chamber of Commerce warned that stringent regulations could drive companies to other states, avoiding such restrictions.

Support and Potential Implications

Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom underscored California’s leadership in AI adoption but cautioned against overregulation.

The proposal also has backing from esteemed AI researchers. It includes creating a state agency to oversee developers and establishing best practices.

The state attorney general could enforce legal actions for non-compliance, adding another layer of oversight.

The Broader Picture

Proponents argue that immediate action is crucial, citing lessons learned from delayed regulation in social media.

The legislation would apply to systems exceeding $100 million in computing power for training, a threshold not yet reached as of July.

Simultaneously, lawmakers are considering measures to combat AI-driven biases in hiring and housing.

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