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BT partners with ServiceNow for AI technology applications.

BT has partnered with ServiceNow for several years, moving network management onto ServiceNow’s platform. Recently, the focus has shifted to generative artificial intelligence (GenAI).

BT’s Collaboration with ServiceNow

BT has partnered with ServiceNow for several years, moving network management onto ServiceNow’s platform. Recently, the focus has shifted to generative artificial intelligence (GenAI).

The initial GenAI apps are currently under trial in BT’s business-to-business group. Plans are in place to extend GenAI to BT’s consumer business and internal employee uses.

Alex Bell, CIO of BT’s business-to-business service, mentioned that the company uses 56 tools for customer engagement. They aim to consolidate these into ServiceNow’s platform, boosted by AI.

ServiceNow’s GenAI Impact

ServiceNow’s GenAI app, Now Assist, reads and summarizes customer cases for agents. “Gen AI is reading the case, summarizing it, here’s the problem, here’s what we can do,” said Bell.

In its initial rollout, Now Assist cut case summary times by 55%. It also reduced the time taken to review complex case notes by another 55%.

Rohit Batra, GM and VP of Telecommunications at ServiceNow, noted that Now Assist is the fastest-growing product in ServiceNow’s history.

ServiceNow’s Unique Model

Batra explained that Now Assist can integrate with legacy systems like Amdocs and Salesforce. They aim to gradually move businesses fully onto ServiceNow’s platform.

BT is halfway through rolling out Now Assist in its B2B sector. The rollout is expected to complete by 2026, after which they will shift focus to consumer businesses.

ServiceNow developed its own large language model (LLM) in partnership with Nvidia and Hugging Face. This model consistently updates with new data within ServiceNow’s secure data centers.

ServiceNow’s Continued Growth

ServiceNow’s primary business lies in service management. Their first major application was IT service management, and 85% of Fortune 500 companies now use ServiceNow for IT.

In telecommunications, ServiceNow collaborates with companies like BT and Bell Canada. BT uses ServiceNow’s platform to enhance its network monitoring systems.

ServiceNow’s AI solutions act as a management layer above existing network systems, compiling data for better service management.

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