HomeArticlesNews90% of Indian Women in Tech View GenAI as Career Catalyst, Yet Most Are Unprepared

90% of Indian Women in Tech View GenAI as Career Catalyst, Yet Most Are Unprepared

In India, women constitute 36% of the tech workforce but face significant underrepresentation in executive positions. The recent report by Nasscom, titled "GenAI: The Diversity Game Changer We Can’t Ignore," in collaboration with BCG, highlights how generative AI (Gen AI) is poised to transform the tech sector. This technology presents a unique chance to enhance gender diversity, empowering women to break free from traditional obstacles and thrive in their careers.

Women in India’s Tech Workforce

In India, women constitute 36% of the tech workforce but face significant underrepresentation in executive positions. The recent report by Nasscom, titled “GenAI: The Diversity Game Changer We Can’t Ignore,” in collaboration with BCG, highlights how generative AI (Gen AI) is poised to transform the tech sector. This technology presents a unique chance to enhance gender diversity, empowering women to break free from traditional obstacles and thrive in their careers.

The report, unveiled during the Nasscom Global Inclusion Summit in Bengaluru, reveals that women exhibit high professional ambitions, significantly outpacing their male counterparts across various levels. It emphasizes the crucial role diversity plays in mitigating bias and fostering ethical outcomes in AI, with diverse teams proving to be more adept at identifying ethical dilemmas and making considerate decisions.

Growing Influence of Gen AI

Forecasts indicate that Gen AI will command 33% of the global AI landscape by 2027, with the overall AI market expected to reach between $320 billion and $380 billion, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25-35%.

The findings show that women in tech are eager to invest more effort into achieving success in AI and Gen AI realms. Surgeons revealed that 95% of junior, 96% of mid-management, and 100% of senior women in tech roles are prepared to dedicate additional time to excel in these areas. Moreover, 45% of surveyed women reported increased confidence in their capabilities due to Gen AI tools, in stark contrast to their non-tech counterparts.

Challenges Hindering Adoption

Despite these encouraging statistics, many senior women still face challenges in adopting and utilizing Gen AI tools. Key barriers include limited awareness, lack of trust, restricted access, and fear of being scrutinized for their competence. Across the professional spectrum, women consistently identify knowledge gaps as a significant hindrance to Gen AI adoption. The report stresses the importance of addressing these hurdles to enable wider Gen AI implementation among women.

Sangeeta Gupta, Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer at Nasscom, commented on the progress made thus far while highlighting significant gaps that still hinder women in tech from realizing their full potential. Addressing knowledge disparities and providing adequate support is vital, especially with Gen AI set to become a dominant force in the technology landscape.

The Path Forward for Women’s Leadership

Despite global trends showing an advance in Gen AI adoption among senior women, India exhibits a concerning 64% gender disparity in AI leadership. To capture a share of the lucrative $320 billion AI market, greater emphasis on diversity within India’s tech sector is essential. By fostering diverse leadership, organizations can more effectively mitigate biases and incorporate varied ethical perspectives.

While Gen AI presents considerable advantages, the survey revealed that only 35% of women felt entirely supported by their employers in terms of preparedness for adopting these technologies. For organizations, creating an environment conducive to the adoption of Gen AI is crucial. Recommendations include outlining clear career paths, establishing mentorship programs, allowing flexible working conditions, offering ethical training, cultivating an empowering culture, and enhancing networking opportunities.

To empower women effectively, organizations must meet these outlined needs, enabling a greater embrace of Gen AI technologies that promote diversity and innovation throughout the tech industry.

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