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Why did GenAI fail in business and enterprise?

Artificial General Intelligence: Far From Hitting Its Stride

Artificial General Intelligence: Far From Hitting Its Stride

Generative AI and Misjudged Expectations

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is not around the corner. Claims that AI like ChatGPT would lead to mass unemployment and replace various professionals are hyperbolic.

Arvind Narayanan, Director of the Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy, has criticized the unrealistic expectations surrounding Generative AI. He believes its business adoption will be slower than anticipated.

There are still unresolved research challenges. Integrating AI into existing products and training people to use it productively remains complicated.

Overexcitement and Misunderstanding

Narayanan pointed out that ChatGPT’s launch led to "a thousand unexpected uses," causing developers to become overly excited. They underestimated the gap between proofs of concept and reliable products.

This exuberance led to two flawed approaches to commercializing AI. OpenAI and Anthropic focused solely on building models, ignoring product development, while Google and Microsoft rushed to incorporate AI into every product.

AI Adoption and Public Perception

Due to these missteps, early adopters, often bad actors, took over. Everyday users found AI features occasionally useful but often annoying, contributing to poor public perception.

The AI-in-your-face approach by companies like Microsoft and Google led to poorly integrated features and many blunders. Narayanan believes Apple’s cautious approach will ultimately prevail.

HAL149: Enhancing, Not Replacing Human Talent

HAL149 provides AI assistants tailored to customer service, content generation, lead acquisition, and social media maintenance. We aim to make businesses more efficient without replacing human talent. Contact us via our web or email (hola@hal149.com) for more information.

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